Monday, January 14, 2008

As I Was Saying Before the Red Truck Wine...

I got a catalog in the mail for continuing education. But when I read the big ad on the back from a woman teaching "spirituality" I had to post it here. Mind you, she collects $49.00 from people to come listen to this P.O.S. for two and a half hours. I really must get a schtick like this going on the side. And I quote:

"The year 2008 beckons us with the shifts of consciousness that started in 1987 during the harmonic convergence. We individually and collectively came into awareness that our state of mind was undermining not only our personal growth and spiritual development; it was working against the well-being of all that exists. In 1987, a select few chose to set in motion a new beginning. The birth of consciousness that encompassesd the "we" rather than the "me" that ruled humankind for thousands of years began.

Known as Lightworkers, they called upon all who remembered the power of thought and the law of attraction to demonstrate thought to allow them to rise above and move beyond. Get past fear-based consciousness and see that everyday is a new beginning, a chance to start something new. The year 2008 is the awakening and the beginning of living from our heart."

I am not making any of this up! The person who thought up this amazing con job lists her profession as a "medical intuitive." And I bet poor souls will flock to this type of jive. Amazing. Absolutely amazing!

The tile man removed the mirror and discovered this old wallpaper from the 70ies. It explains much about boomer mindset.

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