You, too, can be a shaman! Throw off the anvil of that old Dead White Men's religion that has kept your soul fettered! Send in your money, change your name and BE SOMEBODY!! Better yet, BE SOMEBODY and get other people to pay you money to be like you are! This is capitalism at its finest.
It is understandable that the field of Shaman is becoming a little over-crowded. But Mr. Endredy has carved out a special niche that is sure to appeal since it combines your basic shamanism with Green Thinking--just the thing for these post AlGore days. Mr. Endredy will initiate you into the sacred mysteries of ECOSHAMANISM! Instead of Little Green Men we now have Little Green Shamans to show us into the light.
Beyond 2012: A Shaman's call to Personal Change and the Transformation of Global Consciousness by James Endredy can explain all these things to you. For the regular listeners to Coast To Coast the doom-year 2012 needs no explanation.
Description From James Endredy, the author of Ecoshamanism A Shaman's Message of Hope—and Call to Action War, epidemics, catastrophic geological disasters . . . . We are living out the prophecies of a planet in peril as we count down the days until 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar.
According to Endredy, "every human being can be a shrine of love, an altar of hope" during this time of shifting global consciousness and radical change. In this one-of-a-kind guide, Endredy consults the "First Shamans," Fire Spirit Tataiwari (Grandfather Fire) and Earth Spirit Nakawé (Grandmother Growth) for wisdom and guidance.
Learn how your positive actions—reciprocity, compassion, love, and respect for the essences and energies that sustain life on our world—can help save the planet.
Awaken your "luminous" True Self by entering non-ordinary states of consciousness Plant the seeds of transformation in global human consciousness.
Amplify positive energy by building altars and making offerings.
Use a sacred calendar to gain a new understanding of the nature of time and our role as co-creators
After a series of life tragedies and mystical experiences as a teenager James Endredy changed direction from his Catholic upbringing and embarked on a life-long spiritual journey to encounter the mysteries of life and death and why we are all here.
For over twenty-five years he has learned shamanic practices from all over the globe, while also studying with kawiteros, lamas, siddhas, roadmen, and leaders in the modern fields of ecopsychology, bioregionalism, and sustainable living.
All of this leads one to making spiritual quests to hone the shaman powers. Look no further than Sedona, AZ.
Rahelio promises
I have set up this web page for those who might be awakening in consciousness or who are on a spiritual quest, that they might experience a powerfully transformative encounter with the mystical presence of a sacred land. Many people are being inspired to make pilgrimages to places of power; of these, Sedona, Arizona has become of great importance. As a spiritual guide, my focus is to facilitate an energetic empowerment connecting one to the Earth Mother's healing energy and to one's Higher Self. This can include a shamanic / meditative journey into the sacred space of one's dreamtime. The use of ceremonial drum, rattle, chants and flute are used to shift one into heightened states of inspired consciousness. In this way we can connect to the power of a "sacred land" and gather the energy for healing and inner peace. I have included some information from one of my tour flyers, so read on if you are interested in this type of a transformational encounter ... ~Rahelio.
I think "Rahelio" spent too much time as a youth watching old re-runs of KUNG FU.
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