Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bedside Manner

How kosher is it for a doctor to tell his patient that the diagnosis is "you are turning into an old lady?" Harumph--is this preparation to go before the death panels in the future?
"Look at her--hands and thumbs all splinted up. Elbow bound tight. Using up perfectly good drugs. Why, she can't even look good on the golf course--perfectly useless. Matron--fetch an iceberg and send this one out to sea ASAP."
I wonder why when doctors are telling you all the things you can't do because of lumbars 1-4 and tendonitis, et cetera, they always phrase it in terms of fun things?
"Nope--no more golf for several months, I should think. Driving the RV? Wouldn't think so--not with those hands. Play the piano? Bit of a rough go with the splints and velcro holding your wrists still. Photoshop and typing? Probably not--rest those hands and arms."
Why don't they explain limitations in down-to-earth terms? I'd love to see this on a prescription pad!
"Looks like you won't be vacuuming those carpets. Forget mopping floors and wiping down counters. Cleaning toilets and carrying laundry baskets or groceries? Not a chance. Nope--not for months anyway."
But the coup de grace was being told I was turning into an OLD LADY!! This doctor seriously needs to work on his communication skills. But perhaps a little agriculture is in order--after all, he is a joint doctor.

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