Sunday, December 7, 2008

We Say Merry Christmas!

While O'Reilly first advertised these bumper stickers, one has to purchase $20.00 worth of merchandise to get the thing. So--off to Ebay where I was able to get one for $2.00 plus shipping. I'm still on the rant about displacing Christmas for the generic, inferior word 'holiday.'

Meanwhile, the Christmas season is observed even if the boxes surround us like a fortress. 20,000 pounds of junk and what is missing? One box of very special Christmas ornaments. My mother had given me a dated Hallmark ornament every year since 1969. THAT is the missing box. How can it be? More junk has shown up. Box after box of unwanted accumulation has been trekked up to the Condo for the Grande Estate Sale. But the one box I wanted is nowhere to be found. What will it take to itemize 39 Hallmark ornaments and file a claim with the moving company?

What I found in the 20 boxes of Christmas decorations that did make the move was an unopened, artificial Christmas tree. I had forgotten buying it a few years ago when a particularly great deal came along.

So Mr. T went to work assembling it. We should have stayed with the fresh trees! This tree is HUGE! What was I thinking? I couldn't even lift a section of it. When it was finally all unsquished and spread out and plugged in, it was 7 1/2' high with 1600 lights!!! Now if we only had some ornaments it would look quite grand.

Get out the bears--

Don't forget the Advent Wreath for this year--

Lest anyone think it is all Deck the Halls and Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel around here let me put that notion to rest.

As difficult as it is to understand, I was overcome by a powerful craving for VIENNA SAUSAGES while in Costco this week. Since it was Costco I had to buy a case of 18 cans. But I didn't care--I think the entire case only cost $6.00!

When I got home I immediately heated up one can, scarfed it down, and vaguely wondered what I would do with the other 17 cans. I shouldn't have worried.

Byrdie managed to knock the case onto the floor and snag a can for herself. I found her with the mauled and punctured can of Vienna Sausage in the middle of the new Persian carpet! Why bother with anything?

Labradoodles, missing ornaments, looming Estate Sale, drowning in boxes--a small life goes on. But it's a life that says MERRY CHRISTMAS.

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