Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Night-Before Jitters

The Minnie passed her trip checkup! I was informed that what I am driving is called my "rig" so I will now be adjusting my vocabulary. I have also noticed that gas has gone up nearly $.50/gallon since I first decided to do a solo trip across the Southwest. The laptop computer has come so I hope this blog can actually happen. It will definitely be a learn as you go experience for me. The amount of tech toys that "have" to go is amazing! DVD player, cell phone, camera, 'puter, CD player, boom box--and everything has its own charger and carrying case. The dog has her papers, I have my navigation system and the rig is carrying enough food and supplies that could have carried the Alamo through winter. I hope friends and family will post on the blog and let me know what's helpful and what's just plain boring. Byrdie and I hit the road tomorrow morning and will spend our first night in Newberry Springs at the monastery. 150 miles for the first day--not too much to cover!


R.V. said...

Hi Mrs.Ouimette,
Im reading your blog every day.Talus misses you and byrdi.I hope you are having a good time.

Raquel V.

R.V. said...

Hi Mrs.Ouimette,
Im reading your blog every day.Talus misses you and byrdi.I hope you are having a good time.

Raquel V.

R.V. said...

I hope your having a good time. Hope you feel better.Just rember the Lord is with you.Tell Byrdi hi for me.I miss you so get home safly.
Your little Neighbor