Halloween. KIDS! Trick or Treat? Spooky costumes. At least it used to be. Back when we were children. We Boomers, that is. And our parents before us.
But what is different now? A Walgreen's commercial is a perfect example: the bus driver is dressed up like a trauma patient; a man in an elevator is a huge caterpiller; a young woman is a mermaid on a park bench tossing back a burger. Get the picture? They're all adults! Adults co-opting what used to be a kids' holiday.
C'mon Boomers--grow up! You're running out of time. Let's see--the oldest of us have passed the Big Six-Oh. The youngest Boomers are already FORTY-THREE!!! I have an idea--why don't we let the kids--or in many cases, our GRANDCHILDREN, have their little holiday back? And after that, maybe we can start making up for lost time with being the adults we should have been thirty years ago.
So this Halloween go with your children and grandchildren. Take THEIR pictures in THEIR cute little costumes. Leave the pumpkin and ghost manicures for the under 11 set. Forget dressing up like you're still carrying the candy bag door-to-door. You're old enough to buy your own candy if you need your sugar fix. And for crying out loud, stay home!! You're too old to think you're still at an age where it's "groovy" to be walking the streets and going to costume parties. Those are no longer appropriate adult activities.
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