Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Shadow Blog by a Shadow Person

(In keeping with my internet curse, you will have to put the correct pic with the matching paragraph. Blogspot is not letting me move images around and my fuse is a hair's width from reaching C4--and I don't mean Photoshop!!)
I may only be a glimpse from another parallel reality. In any event, it has been life at the edge for too many weeks now.

To sum up:

My own version of techno-hell:
Replacing camera body--no time yet to read manual
Losing cell phone--no time to read manual but I like the hot purple color

Getting Mac--didn't even come with manual; had to order books from Amazon
Decide Mac is a cult, not an operating system and there's not a damn thing wrong with Windows with exception for Vista
Trading in Mac plus books for PC that is running some version of Windows 7--no manual
I signed up for an online class to learn Photoshop CS4. What a disaster! Things were so disorganized and I kept being told to go to my "cubby." EXCUSE ME--my grandson has a cubby. Grown-ups do not have CUBBIES. This was my same reaction to the Mac--hey, dudes! Can I get a grown up 'puter now???? Can we drop 'cutsey'? As a friend pointed out to me, the Mac is totally, like, left wing. The close box has been moved--arbitrarily to the LEFT instead of the RIGHT where it used to be. And one does not close a window--one RED balls it! Can't say I wasn't warned about lib brain invasion merely through touching the keys.
After 2 weeks, I dropped the online class. When signing up, it was pretty easy to follow the step-by-step online process and pay them my fees. But try and withdraw and get a partial refund! Oh no--I'm to find the elusive 'cubby' and then do everything on my 'puter. Except there are not links and it is not at all easy to follow. Big surprise there! I finally got a real person on the phone who wanted me to drive all the way out to campus and stand in line for a refund--no way, Sean-O. After a blustering contest, Sean-O finally walked me through the maze of clicks and links to the site where I could withdraw from the class. His parting words were, "The check is in the mail."
I had actually driven to a neighboring town to sit in on a REAL college class. I was next to 2 young students, obviously fresh out of high school. They sat through the entire 2 hour lecture without opening a textbook or taking a single note. They didn't even have paper or pen supplies! They occasionally put their heads on their books or whispered back and forth to each other. I'm too old for this!


House Dreams said...

Sooooooo funny,
Some people (Tom) get heated at PC's tomfoolery (had to) and threaten to buy a Mac. Good head's up, I don't think he could handle the cubby stuff.

When I went back to college to complete my degree, I was in several post-high school classes. do they get around in the world? Maybe they have cubbies in which to organize their lives.

House Dreams said...

What an adorable and TALL grandson you have.

Toc said...

Grandson is a very big THREE!!!!
As for the Mac? RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!