Monday, December 28, 2009

Into the Desert

We visited the bookstore at St. Andrew's Priory yesterday. It's first class all the way including the prices. We have a new unit of measuring worth--a Netbook. Many of the icons were priced at $250 or the equivalent of one Netbook. Some icons were as much as 4 Netbooks! I think it's a sign of how our world view has changed after being away from the monks for 2 years. The book title that intrigued me most was Levels of Humility--if one is measuring humility doesn't that defeat the virtue? (Mr T was engrossed in Harlots of Egypt.)

We left our wonderfully isolated camp and headed down the mountain and across the Mojave--again in bumper-to-bumper traffic. At some point in Victorville Jeep and Minnie got separated and then we played leapfrog trying to catch up to each other. First attempt was trying to hook up again at the Lynnwood Outlet Mall--THOUSANDS of shoppers backing up traffic and the attempt failed. The 2nd meeting place was supposed to be the Barstow Walmart--failure. No CB traffic but cell phones got us straightened out. By this time Mr T was on I 15 and I was on I 40--no good. We finally caught up to each other at Peggy Sue's in Yermo--one of our all-time favorite haunts on the desert.

After that it was just plodding across the desert to the hot springs we like to visit. We take the waters and enjoy the last internet connection until Stovepipe Wells. It's cold, windy, cloudy and generally the last kind of weather we'd hoped for. But it will change soon and we are in no hurry. The space and barrenness are soothing and if we take a few days to recover from the days of travel, no one is complaining.

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