Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The View from My Window

This is near the end of my second week in bed. I'm so grateful that we replaced the high-up small window next to the bed with the beautiful sliding glass doors. I didn't realize at the time of the remodel how much being able to look out the doors into the back yard would mean to me.

The bed has become Control Central. I have my laptop, trusty camera, cell phone, land line, radio, some magazines and a growing collection of old popsicle sticks. I spend my time in my favorite chat room with cyberfriends and watching the birds come right up to my window so I can take their pictures.

I've learned a lot about the birds. They nearly always come in pairs and it's generally the same birds everyday. I've learned that they don't want me to move or change ANYTHING where they come to use the birdbath. Even adding a bird feeder caused them to stay away for four days!

I've learned that the two dogs who had never shown the least interest in the backyard birds have now decided they are trespassers of the worst type and need to be chased away as soon as they see me slipping the lens cover off the camera.

I've learned that dogs can sin! They taught themselves this annoying hunt and chase behavior and then come slinking back into the bedroom with these pitiful, guilty-looking(not really guilty though) expressions and body language.

I've watched these birds scowl, preen, splash, eat and eat more. They fight with each other at the least provocation. They are territorial as any toddlers and skittish as the poodle on the Fourth of July. In short, they have been the major visitors in my world for the last few weeks while I wait to see the doctor in San Diego and begin treatment.

Now, for your viewing pleasure the backyard visitors that keep me so amused and interested in their nervous lives.

The Jays seem to run the show. They bully, scowl and run off the other birds. The Mourning Doves are the most gentle and elegant. They are always together and nothing seems to ruffle them.Their baths are a furious splashing and beating of the water.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Bravo! Exquisite photos and insightful stories. Talus is a sinner.