Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Horse is a Horse

I can handle Coast To Coast topics like Area 51, Alien abductions, Reptillians, OBEs, Remote Viewing and all the other usual topics. But last night was too much. Instead of putting me to sleep in five minutes, I was truly taken aback.

The guest was a man named Jason. Not just any man--oh no--a HORSE who claimed to be trapped in Jason's body!

Jason gave a blow-by-blow of how the world looked from the horse's point of view. Did you know horses see grass as gleaming white instead of the dull green we mere humans see??

Not content with just being a horse trapped in a human body, "Jason" had consulted a psychic who had done a past lives regression for Jason. Not past human lives--oh no. Past HORSE lives regression.

These people can VOTE!!! And we wonder why we're in the mess we're in?

A witch named Sandra Davis is suing a Catholic church for denying her coven permission to hold their Halloween Ball in their parish hall. Then she calls it discrimination rather than conflict of interest!

People think they're horses with past horse lives?

California hasn't been kicked out of the Union yet in spite of Barbara Boxer acting like this?

We are doomed.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Barbara Boxer is an arrogant ass, an insult, and needs to GO.