Sunday, June 7, 2009

So Sweet You Could Get Fat Just Reading This

This is one of those posts that is so full of Grandma bias that those looking for more objective comments should go somewhere else.
Mama Toc got to give a 3rd birthday party for her little grandson this week-end. Even though there were only 5 of us, it felt comparable to planning The Surge. Do you know that there are entire stores devoted to nothing but selling cheap party junk made in China for any party theme you can think of???
Since I was informed that parties now have THEMES I selected Thomas the Train. Compared with some of the perv kiddie characters out there now, a train seemed very innocuous.
One hour later, with nerves absolutely frayed, I emerged from Party City with a huge sack of party props. The velvet crown was a nice touch--the scepter that spun neon lights was truly wonderful. It didn't help that I was shopping the same week-end as all four city high school graduations were occurring.
The part with the birthday cake was the best. I order my groceries online through Safeway. It was possible to order a Thomas the Train cake with all the bells and whistles over the phone. A beautiful cake was delivered along with my groceries--all in time for the barbecue and party. Very impressive.
The party was underway with the 3 older generations enjoying beer and wine with their hot dogs when suddenly the Grandchild announced at the table that he was "tired and needed to go take a nap!"
Say what? Go take a nap when the cake candles were being lit and ice cream ready to be dipped? That, indeed, is what little 4G guy did. And he slept for nearly 2 hours--which gave generations 1-3 down time with nothing to do but sample more adult bevereges.

The party finally resumed and all gifts were a great hit. But the biggest surprise was the way he took to the toy golf clubs. I can't begin to do what he does instinctively! I pay money to learn to do what he does simply because he's a 3 year old boy! Sigh and alas......Look and weep. Or Rejoice.

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