Saturday, April 21, 2007

Roses Roses and azaleas

Byrdie back in her own environs doing what she loves best!

While I was battling snow, sleet, hail, rain, tornado watches and 60 mph winds, Spring came to Bakersfield. I arrived to find the back half of the first bloom and color everywhere! This is one of two times a year when roses in Bakersfield are fantastic. In the early spring until the first real heat they bloom their little hearts out. Then the bad heat hits and they fry and appear to have given up on life. Then, at the end of summer hope is renewed and they go through a second full flowering that lasts for a couple of months. There are many rose growers here including one of Jackson and Perkins largest growing fields so the area is very friendly to roses.

I spent today getting reacquainted with my plants. There was a lot of pruning to do since some of them had gone past their first bloom in my absence. There are diseases to kill off and insects to obliterate. While I'm doing my work in the killing fields, I'll leave these pictures to brighten up this blog and hopefully, anyone who happens to enjoy looking at roses.
This first picture I call "rose echo". I didn't even see the other rose in the shadowed background. It is an English rose: Gertrude Jaekle

Abe Lincoln and Olympiads

Veterans' Rose

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